Good afternoon Hazel class.

Your task for this afternoon is to do some research on the country we are visiting this week... Japan.

Can you find out:

What is the capital city of Japan?

What is the weather like in Japan?

What is the time in Japan?

Any other interesting facts you can find!

Post comments in full sentences to show the information you have found!

Have fun!
Mrs. W

2/5/2013 10:33:28 pm

The capital is dubi

liamj and kelsey
2/5/2013 10:36:07 pm

The capital city of Japan is Tokyo.

liam johnson
2/6/2013 05:44:43 am

i am really looking forward to learning about japan i would love to visit there one day !!

kelli and charlie
2/5/2013 10:36:21 pm

the capital is tokyo

2/5/2013 10:36:52 pm

It is ho t and cold

2/5/2013 10:37:44 pm

The weather is 2 dagries

2/5/2013 10:38:15 pm

the capital is toko

Sophia and Daniel
2/5/2013 10:38:40 pm

The capital of Japan is Tokoyo.

kelsey and liamj
2/5/2013 10:38:59 pm

In the picture it looks like Japans wether is sunny.

georgie & james
2/5/2013 10:39:21 pm

The capital city of Japan is tokyo

liam johnson
2/6/2013 05:47:03 am

i love india and the food

liam johnson
2/6/2013 05:48:46 am

i love india

liam johnson
2/6/2013 05:50:50 am

i love the food

khate and liam rh
2/5/2013 10:39:30 pm

the capital of Japan is Tokyo
in Japan the weathar is cloudy
the time in Japan is 11:37

2/5/2013 10:39:34 pm

Tyokio is the capital of Japan

chloe and sam
2/5/2013 10:39:44 pm

Partly Cloudy

chloe sam
2/5/2013 10:55:57 pm

in japan the time is 11:53 PM.

charlie and kelli
2/5/2013 10:40:30 pm

Hokkaido can be very cold during the winter. In the summer places like Tokyo can be hot and sticky. It also rains during the summer.

2/5/2013 10:40:39 pm

10 to twelve am

Daniel and Sophia
2/5/2013 10:41:12 pm

The wether is 2 degries.

charlie and kelli
2/5/2013 10:42:25 pm


2/5/2013 10:42:52 pm

The weather is cloudy

2/5/2013 10:43:08 pm

There are 125 million people

chloe and san
2/5/2013 10:43:24 pm

the in japan is 11:40pm

kelli and charlie
2/5/2013 10:43:38 pm

It is 11:41 pm

Daniel and Sophia
2/5/2013 10:44:28 pm

The time in Japan is 11:43 pm.

khate and liam RH
2/5/2013 10:45:38 pm

the most common food in Japan is rice

2/5/2013 10:45:43 pm

In Japan the time now is 11.44 .

Ben and Georgia
2/5/2013 10:46:14 pm

The capital city of Japan is Toyko.

liam and kelsey
2/5/2013 10:47:13 pm

The time in Japan

liam johnson
2/6/2013 05:53:27 am

i love the food

liam johnson
2/6/2013 05:54:23 am

i love japan !!!!

2/5/2013 10:47:19 pm


2/5/2013 10:53:52 pm

In Japan the time is 11.55am

khate and liam RH
2/5/2013 10:48:12 pm

in japan there are 17,010,000 every child is born in 5 seconds

Daniel and Sophia
2/5/2013 10:49:08 pm

There are almost 124 million people living in Japan.

chloe and sam
2/5/2013 10:49:46 pm

in japan the can be up to 128,056,026

liam and kelsey
2/5/2013 10:50:20 pm

The time is in Japan is 11.41 am

2/5/2013 10:51:48 pm

Most Japanese people love to play and watch sports. Baseball is one of the most popular sports in japan.

khate and liam rh
2/5/2013 10:51:51 pm

the capital of China is Bejing

2/5/2013 10:52:27 pm

Japan is on the edge of Asia.

georgie & james
2/5/2013 10:52:58 pm

The weather in Japan varies depending on what area of Japan you are in. Japan does have four distinct seasons with spring in March, April, and May, Summer in June, July, and August, Fall, September, October, and November, and Winter, December, January, and February.in japan it is sometimes suny some times cold.

charlie and kelli
2/5/2013 10:53:52 pm

Raw horse meat is a popular food in Japan.

Sometimes the trains are so crowded railway staff are employed to cram passengers inside.

For many Japanese couples Christmas is celebrated like Valentine's Day in the western world.

Ben and Georgia
2/5/2013 10:53:58 pm

The weather in Japan is a mixture rainy days and sunny days!

Adam and Danielle
2/5/2013 10:55:08 pm

The capital of Japan is Tokyo.

The weather in Japan is mostly cloudy.

It is 11:40pm in Japan.

Most Japanese people today wear western style clothes. But during holidays, festivals, and at other special times, they may wear traditional robes called kimonos. The patterns on kimonos change with the seasons to reflect the seasonal changes in nature.

Japan is a very crowded country. Almost 75% of the population live in cities and towns. People live in homes and apartments. Most homes are made of wood and are decorated very simply.

Most Japanese people love to play and watch sports. Baseball is one of the most popular sports. Sumo wrestling and golf are also enjoyed.

Edwin & Alex
2/5/2013 10:55:16 pm

The capital of Japan is Tokyo.

The weather in Japan varies depending on what area of Japan you are in.

The time in Japan is 11:39pm
Most Japanese people today wear western style clothes. But during holidays, festivals, and at other special times, they may wear traditional robes called kimonos. The patterns on kimonos change with the seasons to reflect the seasonal changes in nature.
The Japanese have strong family ties and deep respect for authority. In Japan, it is polite to greet one another by bowing.

Japanese students study calligraphy to learn the art of handwriting. Children go to school in Japan Monday through Friday, plus a half day on Saturday. They only have one month off from school, during the school year, from the middle of July to the middle of August. Because school is so difficult and competitive in Japan, many children go to juku, which is a school held in the evening that helps students keep up with their regular school work.

Japan is a very crowded country. Almost 75% of the population live in cities and towns. People live in homes and apartments. Most homes are made of wood and are decorated very simply.

Daniel and Sophia
2/5/2013 10:55:28 pm

North and South Korea are near Japan.

khate and liam RH
2/5/2013 10:57:55 pm

in japanese hazel is kanji because our class is hazel class

2/5/2013 10:58:48 pm

Tokyo is Japan's capital city. It is a very busy and crowded city with many shops and restaurants. It is a cultural center that has museums, temples, and parks. The Imperial Palace is found in the middle of central Tokyo.Tokyo is a very crowded city because it is a bit small and a bit big but it is quit bigger than our country.

callum and charli
2/5/2013 11:00:08 pm

The capital of Japan is Tokyo. The weather in japan is cloudy and sunny. The time in Japan is 23:40. There are 20 million people who live in Japan. Sushi is the most popular food in Japan. The most popular drink is plum wine. The most popular city in Japan is Tokyo. The most popular sport in Japan is baseball.

chloe and sam
2/5/2013 11:00:14 pm

The capital of japan is Tokyo .

Daniel and Sophia
2/5/2013 11:01:03 pm

When it comes to food ,Japanese people are really passionate about their eating.

Georgie & james
2/5/2013 11:01:40 pm

The time is 11:57 pm in japan.

khate and liam rh
2/5/2013 11:02:08 pm

hazel class in japanese is kanji kurasu

Luke LIbby
2/5/2013 11:02:17 pm

The Population in Japan is 127,368,088.

charlotte and matthew
2/5/2013 11:03:18 pm

the capital of japan is tokyo.
the weather in japan is passing clouds, chilly.
the time in japan is 11:56 PM.
basket ball is the greatest game in japan.

georgie & James
2/5/2013 11:03:57 pm

Japan is an island nation in East Asia. Located in the Pacific Ocean, it lies to the east of the Sea of Japan, China, North Korea, South Korea and Russia, stretching from the Sea of Okhotsk in the north to the East China Sea and Taiwan in the south.

Ben and Georgia
2/5/2013 11:04:49 pm

The time in Japan is 12:00 PM .

2/5/2013 11:05:14 pm

In Japan the circle on the flag is called the red flag

Sophia and Daniel
2/5/2013 11:05:23 pm

In Japan they wear kimonos.Komonos are silk clothes that look like dressing gowns ,they have many diffrent patterns and colours.

Adam and Danielle
2/5/2013 11:05:53 pm

The people in Japan call their country "Nippon", which means "the land of the rising sun". You can see the rising sun in the middle of their flag.

Japanese people catch and eat more fish then any other country in the world.

oliver an rebeca
2/5/2013 11:06:41 pm

japan is very crouded

2/6/2013 12:02:06 am

The capital of Japan is Tokyo.There where at least couple of occasions when city where the government of Japan was moved from Kyoto to elsewhere, and both times it involved Shoguns.Tokyo, the seat of the Government of Japan and home of the Emperor, is the de-facto capital of Japan. This is generally not in dispute, but it is not legally defined. In fact, there is a dispute as to exactly when Tokyo became the capital. Some state that it occurred when Tokyo prefecture was established in 1868. Others state that it occurred when Edo Castle became Tokyo Castle that same year, and still others say that it occurred when Tokyo Castle became the Imperial Castle (now the Kokyo) in 1869. Historically speaking, while there was an Imperial edict transferring the capital to Heian kyō, such a basis has never been provided for the transfer from Kyoto to Tokyo. So, today, there are some people who say that since the transfer to Heiankyo was valid, Kyoto is still the capital of Japan, while some say that Tokyo and Kyoto are both simultaneously capitals of Japan. Done at home not at school.

liam johnson
2/7/2013 12:37:34 am

i is good

2/8/2013 12:17:17 am

Thank you Liam J.

2/8/2013 04:53:15 pm

Our blog is the best

Charli and Olivia
2/8/2013 09:07:12 pm

We both think that afternoon was absolutely amazing!

Mrs. W
2/9/2013 05:41:42 am

Wow! Some super learning going on at school AND at home! Well done Hazel class!

5/16/2013 11:11:27 pm

my sister is leaning about japan she know's most thing like what shop's are they and tv show's iknow some they are called imagen-nation it is on england i watch it a lot.and another show called tokyo fashion expres it is very anoying because all it talk's about is fashion and my sister like's it a lot!.


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